The Paradox of Cultural Relativism
An skeptical essay on the paradox of cultural relativism when taken to an extreme. My stance is that cultural relativism is only valid in a limited scope and should not be used to justify barbaric and supertitious societies.
All Worlds
Poem about the universe, life and chances.
Void of Desire
A poem on shallow activities inspired by my participation in photographing rock concerts.
Infection of the Heart
Poem about despair and the false questions that can lead us into the darkest areas of the human heart. A poem for Vince Kingrea, who sadly took his own life.
Strauss Shader bug in Render To Texture
You cannot use a material using the Strauss Shader when trying to output to the diffuse map with Render To Texture in 3DS Max 2010.
BF2142 Black Screen Fix
After updating your nVidia graphics driver to Forceware 178.24 you may have experienced black screen problems in the game Battlefield 2142. Here is the fix.
Cultural Cataracts
A personal conversation about the challenges facing educational and cultural progress in the face of overwhelming ignorance and myopia.