JPEG Cleaner - Program to reduce JPEG file sizes
Digital cameras append JPEG files with data that increases the file size of images.
Noise Auction ... Round One

Photos of Noise Auction on their first night out at the Billiard Club on April 24, 2004.
Liquid 6teen Returns

Liquid 6teen returns to the scene after months off. They played at the Alrosa Villa on April 23.
Winged Insects
Some colorful and large flying insects, including a large Robber Fly.
Minolta Dimage 7 Power Problem Solved
When your Minolta Dimage 7 turns off randomly, try scrubbing its battery contacts with a pencil.
Webb Wedding II

The exciting continuation of the dancing and balloons of the Webb wedding.
Liquid 6teen - Cringefest 2003

Liquid 6teen played at Cringefest on August 23, 2003.
Politics from the Porch
People wonder what the value of politics is. Inclusion in history, that's the value.
I Endorse This Message

Have you noticed that politicians no longer have ideas... but they sure endorse a lot of other peoples' messages.