Fixing extra clicks on a Razer Copperhead mouse
Many people are complaining that thier Razer Copperhead mouse will click more times than one with each button press. Here's how to repair one possible cause.
October 30, 2008 Newsletter

October 30, 2008 Newsletter with information about Wild Mercy and Filk.
January 1, 2007 Newsletter
January 1, 2007 Newsletter
October 13, 2004
October 13, 2004 newsletter. Chris Webb married Stacey Porter.
Cringe website has moved
The Columbus rock band Cringe's website has moved.
Cringefest & broken bones
Cringefest went off on Saturday. It was a fun event.
Adding some style to your web page
A beginning example of adding style to your web page.
SOMA at the Alrosa Villa
SOMA played with Caption, Bobaflex, Skywind and Cringe on February 21, 2003.
CC Manded at Alrosa Villa
CC Manded opened for Liquid 6teen at the Alrosa Villa on January 31, 2003.