Website Traffic Milestones
News snippets from various traffic milestones on my site.
Digital Camera Troubleshooting
Some tips on fixing various problems with digital photography equipment and cameras.
Perplexing Things
Essays on perplexing and amazing aspects of reality that are often unintuitive.
Creatures in 2011

Photos of various creatures I took in 2011, including the Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle, flies, a dragonfly and the Blanchard's Cricket Frog.
Frog Photos

Photos of various colorful frogs from Central Ohio and the Columbus Zoo.
2013 in Review
Newsletter about 2013, including various losses in our family and other news.
Working Towards Interactivity
I have been involved in various projects that include Flash applications and speed optimizations.
Winners on Wheels
A feature about disabled students involved with sports. Originally from the Westside Messenger.