Compare Values with Arbitrary Comparison Operator
JavaScript for comparing values when the operator to use is variable.
JavaScript function and sample code to dynamically compare two values. Accepts numeric and/or alphanumeric values and does a comparison on them based on a comparison parameter.
Spider Photos 2
More photos of tiny spiders.
My Wife Likes it Hot
A little story about when my wife made things a little too hot.
Adults shoot kids with paintball gun
On Nov 10-11, 2002, adults fired paintballs at neighborhood kids from 237 Fremont Court.
Ruiter Wedding Photos

Photos of the marriage between Steve Ruiter and Annie Keslar.
Wildlife Photos

Intriguing photos of wildlife and nature.
Assassin Bug Photos

Photos and short video of assassin bugs.
Ohio Salamanders – Tadpole Photos

Photos of salamander tadpoles living in vernal pools of Central Ohio.
Frog Photos

Photos of various colorful frogs from Central Ohio and the Columbus Zoo.