Reading Problems
Common reading problems.
Bruce Lee's Philosophy
A review of Bruce Lee's philosophical outlook.
A Trip Down Hoopty Lane
An American Hoopty adventure to fix a van that turns into a car hater's nightmare.
A Little About John Dalmas

A short overview of the life of my friend John Dalmas.
2004 Election. No one wins.
Why the Mandate is anything but.
Information Overload
An Over-Abundance of Information in the Information Age
An essay on the trends on the Internet that cause an explosion of information that is often antithetical to the ideals of democracy and progress. This essay cautions parents, teachers and community leaders to be wary of every emerging media outlet.
Adventures with Chris

Slideshow of Photos and a little about my cousin and dear friend Chris Himes, who died on April 26, 2019.
Creative Arts
Essay on creative arts and the true value of art and creativity.
Preparing Your Website
Considerations when starting a web site.