SOMA played at the Factory on March 14, 2003 as a part of the Strength in Numbers 2K3 tour.
Cringefest & broken bones
Cringefest went off on Saturday. It was a fun event.
Cringe at the Tavern

Cringe played at the Tavern at the Mill in Lancaster on June 21, 2003.
Cringe, February 21, 2003

Cringe played with Caption, SOMA, Bobaflex and SKywind at the Alrosa Villa on February 21, 2003.
Cringe Photos 4

Cringe played at the January 31, 2003 Liquid 6teen show at the Alrosa Villa.
Liquid 6teen - Billiard Club
Liquid 6teen played at the Billiard Club on November 1, 2003. It was drummer Shawn Huff's last show with the band.
Cringe Reunion

Photos of Columbus rock band Cringe on June 27, 2006 at Victories.
Columbus Messenger, Me and Unprofessional
The Columbus Messenger Newspapers and why I don't work there anymore.
Cringe at Newport

Cringe headlines at the Newport on June 14, 2003.