Bees and Flies
Photos of bees and flies. Also, interesting links.
MySQL Sort Order with NULL
Learn how to force NULL values to the end of a sorted list
Select All Checkboxes in a Form with JavaScript
A simple, free javascript to select/unselect all the checkboxes in a form.
Moments to Remember
Reflective story on important moments in life.
Select Some Checkboxes JavaScript Function
A new javascript function that allows you to control checkboxes in groups via a control checkbox.
Select Radio Inputs JavaScript
A free javascript function to choose radio inputs with a given value.
PHP Traits for Implementing Interfaces
PHP 5.4 introduced traits. Traits are in many ways like code-assisted copy and paste. They are ways to mix code into a class without inheritance. But what are they good for? When should they be used?
SwfObject JavaScript Error in IE7
IE7 has a JavaScript Error when using the swfobject.js method if you do not give the containing object element an ID.
Flies on Cattails
Some photos on cattails in November.