Using an Object Id with JavaScript
Referencing objects in JavaScript using the ID attribute.
Change CSS in JavaScript in multiple browsers
I have updated the popular changecss() JavaScript function to be compatible with most common browsers.
UseMaps Crash IE When Changed
Dynamically changing an image's usemap property can cause Internet Explorer to crash completely. Here is a solution to changing usemaps with JavaScript.
Winged Insects
Some colorful and large flying insects, including a large Robber Fly.
Make JavaScript Math.random() useful
How to use the JavaScript Math.random function useful with round, ceiling, and floor.
Philosopher Word Search
Philosopher Word Search puzzle.
Dynamically change a form's action with JavaScript
JavaScript allows you to dynamically change a form's action. To make the function work in the new Google Chrome browser, you need to reference the action differently than you could in other browsers.
Fly in the Sky
Photos of bee flies, scorpion flies and other odd flies.
Importing Methods from an unrelated Class in PHP5
Sometimes you need to steal a method from an unrelated class without becoming a child. Here's how.