MySQL Sort Order with NULL
Learn how to force NULL values to the end of a sorted list
Ethos opens SIN 2K3
Ethos opens up the Strength in Numbers 2K3 show at the Factory on Marcn 14, 2003.
May 24, 2007 Newsletter

May 24, 2007 Newsletter with talk about John Dalmas, Golden Retrievers (and panthers), Bullet Jones and Philo.
Bobaflex Photos
Bobaflex played at the January 31, 2003 Liquid 6teen show at the Alrosa Villa.
Software Activation, Licensing and Piracy
The problem with software activation systems in the Internet Age and the inflated claims that piracy costs billions of dollars a year.
Eightdaze Newport II
Rock band Eightdaze at their February 6, 2004 show at the Newport Music Hall.
Cringe Photos 2

Cringe headlined at the Alrosa Villa on November 29, 2002.
The Ukulele Man
Some intriguing photos of a local band called the Ukelele Man.
Later Dude

Cringe Bassist Ryan Butcher has died.