The most important things
Putting human struggles and value into perspective.
The MTV Generation
Media giants hook the public on self-gratifying entertainment all in the name of freedom of speech.
Custom Nibs in Corel PHOTO-PAINT
This is a video tutorial on how to create custom nibs in Corel PHOTO-PAINT. This example uses Corel PHOTO-PAINT X4 but applies to older versions as well.
Rock out while you play CS with this custom Counter-Strike map featuring the music of Noise Auction.
Custom Counter-Strike Maps
This is my collection of custom Counter-Strike 1.6 Maps.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is the most powerful, cost-effective imaging bundle for the professional designer.
A Counter-Strike map for lovers of destruction.
Voting with the ego.
Egoism may not be popular, but it's what's getting my vote.
Bobaflex Photos
Photos of the popular rock band Bobaflex when touring in central Ohio.