Webonizer Goes Live
Information relating to the Webonizer Content Management System that I've been building for several years.
Longnose Gar Photos
Some photos of a longnose gar we kept for a few years.
A Balogna Syndrome

A cartoon of a bull chronically depressed due to an unfortunate pun in his name.
The ephemeral soldier
A poem about veterans. Dedicated to my grandfather Clarence Himes.
Hive - Chapter 1 - The Hangover
Sometimes you just don't know what you're getting into...
Hayden Turns Two

Hayden found a praying mantis on his second birthday. Watch out David Ireland!
Chapter 4: Faceless Clues
Investigators find a terrible scene on the wrecked Rogue 5... and a mystery threat is born.
Astrology is Bogus

Cartoon of Nostradamus at a key moment in his life.
A Little About John Dalmas

A short overview of the life of my friend John Dalmas.
Limbaugh Knows Football?
Rush Limbaugh can't keep his hot air inside... suddenly becomes a previous NFL expert.
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