A Trip Down Hoopty Lane
An American Hoopty adventure to fix a van that turns into a car hater's nightmare.
My Experience at Westland High School
How an honor-roll student can lose heart and drop out
An overview of Shawn Olson's experience at Westland High School.
The Life of Clarence Himes
A biography of Clarence Himes by his grandson Shawn Olson.
A Little About John Dalmas
A short overview of the life of my friend John Dalmas.
My failed faith
The evolution of Shawn Olson's views on faith, religion and ethics.
Problems with Journalism
Some of the problems and misconceptions surrounding modern journalism.
June 15, 2009 Newsletter
Newsletter including the retirement of Jack Buckingham. Discussion on teachers.
Rock Music IS Folk Art.
Essay tracing path of folk music to modern rock.
A list of different writing groups from the SMO site.
Pursuit of Happiness
Essay on natural rights with a focus on the Pursuit of Happiness.