The knock at the door
Mom used to pull pranks on us as kids... so I couldn't help pulling pranks on her too.
Altering CSS Class Attributes with JavaScript
A useful JavaScript to instantly change the style values of a CSS class property.
Color - CSS and HTML
Tool for showing how to generate color using RGB values.
The Aquatic Visitor
After the kids implored me to draw with them, this is what came to mind. It's the aquatic vistor!
My Schooling
Essays and personal accounts about my education.
A lesson in flight
The kids and I take a crash course in flying paper airplanes--with the Ultimate Paper Airplane.
Steam and Internet Explorer 7
There is a bug in IE7 that sometimes won't let you connect to your favorite servers in Steam games like Counter-Strike.
Happy Valentines Day
A word search for all those lovers out there.
Olson's Uncouth Cartoons
Uncouth Cartoons by Shawn Olson. Some of these cartoons may not be suitable for kids less than 13.