Material Merger
A free MAXScript utility to combine mutliple materials and maps into single output materials and maps.
Copy and Paste Object Properties in 3ds Max
MAXScript for copying properties from one object to multiple other objects.
Creative Products
Original Artwork and reprints for sale.
Sprite Tools
Sprite Tools is a free MAXScript for working with Sprites in 3ds Max. It can create sprite cards from animated textures or convert sprite sheets into animated textures.
A Comparison of two major dynamic web platforms (LAMP vs. WISA)
Dynamic web sites are powered by web technologies. What do these technologies do and which is best?
Hayden Turns Two

Hayden found a praying mantis on his second birthday. Watch out David Ireland!
Christmas Part Two
Santa and his reindeer word search.
Google Page Rank Dilemma
A solution to the dilemma of a loss in page rank according to the Google Toolbar.