Master Web Designers Website
The new hub of professional website development has been launched.
Game Resource
Game resources - designs and downloads.
Shawn Olson Creative Arts
Art, Poetry, Photography, Writing and 3D
Shawn Olson Creative Arts is a collection of artwork, journalism, poetry, photography, 3d and more by technical artist Shawn Olson in Columbus Ohio.
BF2142 Black Screen Fix
After updating your nVidia graphics driver to Forceware 178.24 you may have experienced black screen problems in the game Battlefield 2142. Here is the fix.
Adding some style to your web page
A beginning example of adding style to your web page.
SwfObject JavaScript Error in IE7
IE7 has a JavaScript Error when using the swfobject.js method if you do not give the containing object element an ID.
Web Image Optimizer
Details on the web image optimizer in Corel Photo-paint 12.
Cringe website has moved
The Columbus rock band Cringe's website has moved.
Using an Object Id with JavaScript
Referencing objects in JavaScript using the ID attribute.
Strip Character and Whitespace in JavaScript Function
Use this function to strip whitespace and any character from a string in JavaScript.