SMD Collision Mesh Tool
Download the SMD Collision Mesh Prep Tool for 3D Studio Max and learn how to use it.
Thanks for Support
The Olson family appreciates all the support from our friends and family.
What is the Shawn Olson Creative Arts Website?
Shawn Olson Creative Arts is a website created, owned and maintained by Shawn Olson. It features thousands of pages of writing, photography, art, videos and more.
MP4 files in Flex VideoDisplay
Here is a solution to your problem if you are building an application in Flex 3 that uses the VideoDisplay component and the results fail to work in Internet Explorer and Chrome but mysteriously work in Firefox.
Moving to Montreal
I took a job in Montreal to work as a Product Owner for 3ds Max.
Tom and Lana Cline Get Married
Some wedding photos of Tom and Lana Cline and family.
Evening and Morning
Two scenic paintings of dusk and dawn by Don Olson.
Rock Music IS Folk Art.
Essay tracing path of folk music to modern rock.