Bruce Lee's Philosophy
A review of Bruce Lee's philosophical outlook.
Importing Methods from an unrelated Class in PHP5
Sometimes you need to steal a method from an unrelated class without becoming a child. Here's how.
The MTV Generation
Media giants hook the public on self-gratifying entertainment all in the name of freedom of speech.
The Forgotten Philosopher: A Look at John Dewey
An essay delving into the educational philosophy of John Dewey.
Education in Debt
The assumption that a diploma means educated is not well founded.
Obama's Health Care Reform
A skeptical view on the political debate on health care reform in America. This article questions the entire premise of forcing health care insurance on the public.
Monty Hall Game
Example of the workings of the Monty Hall Game paradox.
My feelings on God
My personal views on God.
Problems with Journalism
Some of the problems and misconceptions surrounding modern journalism.