Photo Edit Competition
I submitted a piece to the SitePoint Photo Editing competition.
Tone Curve
Tone Curve tutorial: how to use the Tone Curve function to edit a photo or graphic to bring out the optimum color and brightness.
Unsharp Mask - Remove Blur from Digital Photos
Many high-end digital cameras soften images. Sometimes the photographer wants the detail back.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is the most powerful, cost-effective imaging bundle for the professional designer.
Custom Nibs in Corel PHOTO-PAINT
This is a video tutorial on how to create custom nibs in Corel PHOTO-PAINT. This example uses Corel PHOTO-PAINT X4 but applies to older versions as well.
The Blue Van
The Blue Van produced scorn from bystanders, but was a superb piece of machinery.
Empty is as full as it gets
Humorous piece by Shawn Olson about cars, originally printed in the Columbus Messenger.
Me, Myself & Mr PC
Unpublished piece on personal computers by Shawn Olson.