Evolution of a Shutterbug
Some tips on photography and an overview on my education with cameras.
Who is she
A poem about a father who abandoned his daughter almost 30 years ago.
Ruiter Wedding Photos
Photos of the marriage between Steve Ruiter and Annie Keslar.
Arizona Scorpion Photos
Photos of scorpions in the Arizona desert.
Unsharp Mask - Remove Blur from Digital Photos
Many high-end digital cameras soften images. Sometimes the photographer wants the detail back.
Mantidfly Photos
Photos of a mantidfly, a predatory insect related to lacewings. The insect is easily confused with the praying mantis. It is a mantis mimmick.
Whitetail Buck
I retouched a whitetail buck I sculpted many years ago. Art by Don Olson.
Blackbeard Defends Himself
After years of negative press, Blackbeard defends his past.
Mask of Rogue 7 - Chapter 5 - Ghosts and Static
Captain Jarolds finds clues that only deepen the mystery around the planet Jadus.
Westgate Eagles Football Photos
More photos of the Westgate Eagles football team in 2005.