A Trip Down Hoopty Lane
An American Hoopty adventure to fix a van that turns into a car hater's nightmare.
Educational Drop-Outs
Observations on high school drop-outs and society.
Importing Methods from an unrelated Class in PHP5
Sometimes you need to steal a method from an unrelated class without becoming a child. Here's how.
Astrology As I See It
A skeptical essay on astrology.
Pursuit of Happiness
Essay on natural rights with a focus on the Pursuit of Happiness.
Promoting Interest in the Classroom
An essay about the role teachers play in making subjects interesting, valuable and relevant to students. Prompted by an Open-House visit to Westland High School.
The other end of life
An emotional editorial by Shawn Olson about old age originally printed in the Messenger.
Photography portfolio
A Perspective on Patriotism
Essay about patriotism, nationalism and America.
A Comparison of two major dynamic web platforms (LAMP vs. WISA)
Dynamic web sites are powered by web technologies. What do these technologies do and which is best?