SOMA played at the Factory on March 14, 2003 as a part of the Strength in Numbers 2K3 tour.
Noise Auction at Mad Cow

Photos of Noise Auction playing at the 2004 Mad Cow Bash.
Hayden Turns Two

Hayden found a praying mantis on his second birthday. Watch out David Ireland!
Donald George Olson died at 72
Some memories and thoughts about my Dad

My Dad, Donald George Olson, died on March 18, 2013... just four days shy of his 73rd birthday.
Bobaflex Photos
Bobaflex played at the January 31, 2003 Liquid 6teen show at the Alrosa Villa.
Undivided - Cringefest 2003
Undivided played at Cringefest on August 23, 2003.
Ethos - Cringefest 2003
Ethos played at Cringefest on August 23, 2003.
Art of Falling - Cringefest 2003
Art of Falling played at Cringefest on August 23, 2003.
Closer Than Far - Cringefest 2003
Closer Than Far played at Cringefest on August 23, 2003.
Gone Until Tomorrow - Cringefest 2003
Gone Until Tomorrow played at Cringefest on August 23, 2003.