Promoting Interest in the Classroom
An essay about the role teachers play in making subjects interesting, valuable and relevant to students. Prompted by an Open-House visit to Westland High School.
March 7, 2008 Newsletter

March 7, 2008 Newsletter, including information about recent web development by Shawn Olson. Links to projects and friend sites.
March 18, 2005 Newsletter

March 18, 2005 Newsletter, including doctor who information.
August 12, 2007 Newsletter
August 12, 2007 Newsletter including a new Hidden Map and wildlife photos.
April 3, 2006 Newsletter

April 3, 2006 Newsletter including information about my trip to Arizona.
My Work History
Humorous accounts of my work history as a jack-of-all-trades.
Information Overload
An Over-Abundance of Information in the Information Age
An essay on the trends on the Internet that cause an explosion of information that is often antithetical to the ideals of democracy and progress. This essay cautions parents, teachers and community leaders to be wary of every emerging media outlet.
2013 in Review
Newsletter about 2013, including various losses in our family and other news.