Introduction to Web Design
An introduction to designing a web site.
Upcoming Updates
An overview of upcoming updates and projects I am working on.
Get a Form Element's Label with JavaScript
This JavaScript finds the label for a form element, which is helpful for dynamically highlighting or changing a label based on user input.
Change CSS in JavaScript in multiple browsers
I have updated the popular changecss() JavaScript function to be compatible with most common browsers.
The Black Curse has Arrived
The Black Curse board game has now been converted to an online JavaScript-driven web game.
Compare Values with Arbitrary Comparison Operator
JavaScript for comparing values when the operator to use is variable.
JavaScript function and sample code to dynamically compare two values. Accepts numeric and/or alphanumeric values and does a comparison on them based on a comparison parameter.
UseMaps Crash IE When Changed
Dynamically changing an image's usemap property can cause Internet Explorer to crash completely. Here is a solution to changing usemaps with JavaScript.
JavaScript Games
Free JavaScript-driven games to play online.
Web Statistics
A brief introduction to understanding website statistics, including a discussion of visits, hits and other topics to be aware of.