Web Statistics
A brief introduction to understanding website statistics, including a discussion of visits, hits and other topics to be aware of.
The Call for Religion in Schools
An unpublished editorial on religion in the classroom.
2013 in Review
Newsletter about 2013, including various losses in our family and other news.
Shawn Olson

Shawn Michael Olson is a technical artists and photojournalist in Central Ohio. He owns Wall Worm, Webonizer and the Artistic Network.
Photography portfolio
Get a Form Element's Label with JavaScript
This JavaScript finds the label for a form element, which is helpful for dynamically highlighting or changing a label based on user input.
Educational Drop-Outs
Observations on high school drop-outs and society.
MP4 files in Flex VideoDisplay
Here is a solution to your problem if you are building an application in Flex 3 that uses the VideoDisplay component and the results fail to work in Internet Explorer and Chrome but mysteriously work in Firefox.