Reflections on the precariousness of life
Philosophical essay on life and death sparked by a family trip where a pigeon collided with the car and we had a flat tire.
Make JavaScript Math.random() useful
How to use the JavaScript Math.random function useful with round, ceiling, and floor.
Return to Norton Middle School
Short essay recounting a day I spent at Norton Middle School with Gary Sigrist.
Cyber Trial Lawyer or Cyber Bully?
I just got an email draft of a lawsuit against me for $7 Million dollars.
Meteor Crater
Photos and links for Meteor Crater in Arizona.
Ban the Plan-O-Gram
Humorous call for the downfall of the Plan-O-Gram.
Crazy World
Essay on the turmoil of our world today and the current trend of escalating hatred, nationalism and xenophobia.
Remote Moments
Poem about getting past apathy and taking control.