We Need Science
Essays on the need to prioritize science in our everyday lives--and to focus on science in our schools.
Christmas Part Two
Santa and his reindeer word search.
Photos of Little Hayden

Baby photos of Hayden Olson. Shots with Dewey, at the Air Force Museum and his first Christmas.
Reindeer Gossip
Reindeer discuss the latest Christmas gossip.
Carnival & Actors
Carnival at Great Western; actors from the Jewish Communit Center. 2002 photos by Shawn Olson.
Noise Auction ... Round One

Photos of Noise Auction on their first night out at the Billiard Club on April 24, 2004.
Alrosa Villa Shots--November 29, 2002
POT, Liquid 6teen, Me Times Ten, Cringe at Alrosa Villa on November 29, 2002.
Mike Redd Basketball Clinic 2002
2002 Mike Redd Basketball Clinic at the J. Ashburn Jr. Youth Center
Columbus Zoo Photos
Columbus Zoo photos by Shawn Olson, including a white tiger, grizzly bear, and otter.
Tom and Lana Cline Get Married

Some wedding photos of Tom and Lana Cline and family.