The Price of Learning: Gradecard Dilemma
There is a paradox concerning a parent's push for good grades. The kids don't care about learning.
2013 in Review
Newsletter about 2013, including various losses in our family and other news.
But Words Will Never Hurt Me
Editorial on negativity and entitlement amongst online communities.
A World Without Pain
An essay in reaction to the New Orleans disaster following hurricane Katrina.
Wall Worm Model Tools
Easily send your models from 3ds Max to the Valve Source Game Engine
I've written a new MAXScript to help automate sending models from 3ds Max to the Valve Source Game Engine.
A Day at the Dentist
A weird and horrific story about a trip to the dentist gone wrong.
Renaissance Man
An essay on the extinction of the Renaissance Man or polymath in human history.
My Experience at Westland High School
How an honor-roll student can lose heart and drop out
An overview of Shawn Olson's experience at Westland High School.
The Life of Clarence Himes
A biography of Clarence Himes by his grandson Shawn Olson.