Olson's Uncouth Cartoons
Uncouth Cartoons by Shawn Olson. Some of these cartoons may not be suitable for kids less than 13.
A brief overview of the color tools in CorelDRAW and PHOTO-PAINT, including a video tutorial and new features in CD X5.
This article demonstrates some of the new color features in CorelDRAW X5. The video demonstrates the basic methods of selecting colors in CorelDRAW and PHOTO-PAINT. New and experienced users can benefit from the video.
Shane Christopher Webb
Some words on my friend Chris Webb.
Privacy Rights Essays
Essays I've written regarding various civil liberties and privacy. Some have proven controversial.
Angry World
Some poems that capture the spirit of anger in our time.
Web Developer Tools
Information on some of the web developer tools I've built.
ShawnOlson.Net Newsletters
Some 2006 newsletters by Shawn.
Digital Camera Troubleshooting
Some tips on fixing various problems with digital photography equipment and cameras.
Shawn Olson maps featured on CS Nation
CS Nation, a leading Counter-Strike community, has featured information about some of my maps.
Stoney's Tribute Band

Friends of Erin Stoney Halk formed a tribute band to play some of Halk's favorite music.